From Sierra Leone
Hospital & Medical Center
In Freetown, Sierra Leone
About Choithram Memorial Hospital
Endeavoring to provide Comprehensive Medicare to the residents of Sierra Leone since 1993. The journey from the inception till date withered many a storms to reach to this envious position of the most trusted healthcare provider in the country. Seth Shri Thakurdas Choithram Pagarani came to Sierra Leone in 1938, and started his own business in 1944 under the name T. Choithram & Sons in a small way.
With his acumen and Midas touch, the business expanded not only in this country but to other parts of the World as well. T. Choithram & Sons now operates in 27 countries. He was a great Philanthropist and believed in returning, a large portion of his earnings to the Society, in the form of Education and Medical facilities. He desired to provide an ultramodern Hospital in Freetown , to serve the local populace, as an affordable referral Hospital. Upholding his desire, commencement of construction work of Choithram Memorial Hospital (CMH) started in 1994 and got finished in 1997. Due to political instability from 1997 to 1999, the Hospital could not be opened for public. Moreover the hospital was targeted by miscreants and was vandalized by setting fire to vehicles and equipment.
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9 months ago
Chernor Jalloh
From Sierra Leone
In New York, United States

Choithram hospital has become one of the best private hospital in Sierra Leone but can still improve in it service and quality especially during an emergency.

About Choithram Memorial Hospital
Endeavoring to provide Comprehensive Medicare to the residents of Sierra Leone since 1993. The journey from the inception till date withered many a storms to reach to this envious position of the most trusted healthcare provider in the country. Seth Shri Thakurdas Choithram Pagarani came to Sierra Leone in 1938, and started his own business in 1944 under the name T. Choithram & Sons in a small way.
With his acumen and Midas touch, the business expanded not only in this country but to other parts of the World as well. T. Choithram & Sons now operates in 27 countries. He was a great Philanthropist and believed in returning, a large portion of his earnings to the Society, in the form of Education and Medical facilities. He desired to provide an ultramodern Hospital in Freetown , to serve the local populace, as an affordable referral Hospital. Upholding his desire, commencement of construction work of Choithram Memorial Hospital (CMH) started in 1994 and got finished in 1997. Due to political instability from 1997 to 1999, the Hospital could not be opened for public. Moreover the hospital was targeted by miscreants and was vandalized by setting fire to vehicles and equipment.
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