From West Africa
Beer, Wine & Spirits
In New York, United States
About Ginga Cottage
Here at Ginga Cottage, we care about our planet as much as we care about the people we share it with….so all our bottles are eco-friendly and we purchase our produce from fair-trade distributors/vendors who empower farmers locally and across the globe. With every purchase, you are also supporting education, mental health programs, and other community empowerment initiatives in Africa and the U.S. So go ahead, drink naturally,because it really does make a world of difference
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About Ginga Cottage
Here at Ginga Cottage, we care about our planet as much as we care about the people we share it with….so all our bottles are eco-friendly and we purchase our produce from fair-trade distributors/vendors who empower farmers locally and across the globe. With every purchase, you are also supporting education, mental health programs, and other community empowerment initiatives in Africa and the U.S. So go ahead, drink naturally,because it really does make a world of difference
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