From Sierra Leone
In Freetown, Sierra Leone
About Mentor X-Africa
Mentorship is a key proponent of growth, but one of the most difficult tools to have. Getting the right mentorship at the right time in your journey can make your life and journey way better. At Mentor X-Africa we provide expert solutions mentorship by connecting you with experts whose desire to mentor the next generation of leaders is a priority.
At Mentor X-Africa we strongly believe that with effective mentorship we cannot only inspire the next generation into sound leaders but we can impact a high-value chain of productive individuals, organizations, groups for global success.
Through our industry leaders and mentors, we tend to create the required mentorship needed to facilitate growth and inspire change.
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About Mentor X-Africa
Mentorship is a key proponent of growth, but one of the most difficult tools to have. Getting the right mentorship at the right time in your journey can make your life and journey way better. At Mentor X-Africa we provide expert solutions mentorship by connecting you with experts whose desire to mentor the next generation of leaders is a priority.
At Mentor X-Africa we strongly believe that with effective mentorship we cannot only inspire the next generation into sound leaders but we can impact a high-value chain of productive individuals, organizations, groups for global success.
Through our industry leaders and mentors, we tend to create the required mentorship needed to facilitate growth and inspire change.
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