
SLE 100

From 2:00 PM GMT on Tue, Dec 26, 2023

To 12:00 AM GMT on Wed, Dec 27, 2023

Aqua Sport Club, Freetown, Sierra Leone (View Map)

About Parade & Festival

FREETOWN COCKTAIL WEEK: Showcasing Sierra Leonean Flair on a Global Stage CONCEPT NOTE Freetown Cocktail Week, formerly known as The Grill Show, has undergone a remarkable transformation into an internationally acclaimed event. Building upon our five successful years, we, as influential figures in Sierra Leone's cocktail and drink industry, believe it is time to expand our reach and showcase the love for cocktails on a national and global scale. By doing so, we aim to promote tourism, boost trade and industry, and create valuable job opportunities within the hospitality and event sectors. Join us for an unforgettable week celebrating the art, culture, and flavors of Sierra Leone.

About Parade & Festival

FREETOWN COCKTAIL WEEK: Showcasing Sierra Leonean Flair on a Global Stage CONCEPT NOTE Freetown Cocktail Week, formerly known as The Grill Show, has undergone a remarkable transformation into an internationally acclaimed event. Building upon our five successful years, we, as influential figures in Sierra Leone's cocktail and drink industry, believe it is time to expand our reach and showcase the love for cocktails on a national and global scale. By doing so, we aim to promote tourism, boost trade and industry, and create valuable job opportunities within the hospitality and event sectors. Join us for an unforgettable week celebrating the art, culture, and flavors of Sierra Leone.

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