EducAid |
From Sierra Leone | |||||
Education Nonprofit
In Freetown, Sierra Leone | |||||
About EducAidOur Vision
Our vision is a democratic, dignified and globally-engaged Sierra Leone, where poverty is eliminated by educated citizens who are able to develop their personal, social and economic wellbeing.
A Brief History
EducAid started life as a sponsorship programme in 1994, following a trip to Sierra Leone by James Boardman and Swithun Mason in 1993. Financial support was sent to Sierra Leone to help students pursuing their education. Following subsequent trips by James, Swithun and Miriam Mason, Swithun’s sister, it became clear that it was impossible to ensure the quality of education being delivered. Miriam’s background teaching French in the UK gave her a good grounding to assess the quality of education being delivered; Miriam could see the issues being faced by these young people: they were full of dedication and willing to work hard, but were left without the educational framework and practices to be able to change their lives. The decision was made that she would travel to Sierra Leone to run schools, thus ensuring that the quality was being delivered on the ground. In 2000, delayed by the final, bloody end of the rebel war in Freetown, Miriam moved to Freetown and began to run classes on the back veranda of a rented house in Lumley – EducAid was founded.