From Sierra Leone
Pet Services Veterinary Care Animal & Nature Nonprofit
In Freetown, Sierra Leone
About Sierra Leone Animal Welfare Society (SLAWS)
SLAWS works to alleviate the suffering of animals in Sierra Leone and in doing so to improve human health. We believe the two are co-dependent. We work to humanely reduce the number of unwanted and stray dogs in Sierra Leone by carrying out neutering and rabies vaccination programmes. By carrying out education programmes for pet and livestock owners we seek to build a culture in Sierra Leone whereby cruelty to animals is not tolerated by our fellow citizens".
It is a non-profit organization based in Freetown, dedicated to the humane care of animals and advocate for their welfare throughout Sierra Leone and Africa.
Dr Jalloh became a vet in response to the tragic death of his brother from rabies - a disease which is usually spread by dogs, yet can be prevented by vaccination.
SLAWS was set up by Dr Jalloh with the specific objectives:
-To reduce the incidence of dog bites and human deaths from rabies
-To encourage responsible pet ownership
-To vaccinate all owned pets and treat them for ticks, fleas and worms
-To register all pets and provide a means of identification
-To conduct humane education programmes for livestock and pet owners and implementing partners of livestock programmes.
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About Sierra Leone Animal Welfare Society (SLAWS)
SLAWS works to alleviate the suffering of animals in Sierra Leone and in doing so to improve human health. We believe the two are co-dependent. We work to humanely reduce the number of unwanted and stray dogs in Sierra Leone by carrying out neutering and rabies vaccination programmes. By carrying out education programmes for pet and livestock owners we seek to build a culture in Sierra Leone whereby cruelty to animals is not tolerated by our fellow citizens".
It is a non-profit organization based in Freetown, dedicated to the humane care of animals and advocate for their welfare throughout Sierra Leone and Africa.
Dr Jalloh became a vet in response to the tragic death of his brother from rabies - a disease which is usually spread by dogs, yet can be prevented by vaccination.
SLAWS was set up by Dr Jalloh with the specific objectives:
-To reduce the incidence of dog bites and human deaths from rabies
-To encourage responsible pet ownership
-To vaccinate all owned pets and treat them for ticks, fleas and worms
-To register all pets and provide a means of identification
-To conduct humane education programmes for livestock and pet owners and implementing partners of livestock programmes.
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