From West Africa
TV & Film Production
In Freetown, Sierra Leone
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Episode 4 the Gen Z Parliament hosted Abdul Hamid popular known for his brand “Kanu Visuals”. Abdul Hamid who is a ...

Episode 3 features Miss Adeola Carew Esq as the Gen z parliament talked about “Sex Education”.

In this episode of the Gen z Circle Podcast, The Gen z Parliament Invited Solo's Beat who is a jazz keyboardist, sound engineer, ...

The Gen Z Circle Podcast is a new video podcast content brought to you by We aim to deliver a fresh perspective on a ...

Franklyn Dero is a sustainable designer and stylist in Sierra Leone. He is the Ceo of "Been Frank" one of the top brands among ...

Hassan started as a volunteer taking photos to now owning one of the biggest photography studio space in Freetown.