Richmond Garrick |
From Sierra Leone | ||
Visual Art
In New Jersey, United States | ||
About Richmond GarrickRichmond Garrick is an award-winning artist from Sierra Leone and the 2016 Gloucester County NAACP Game Changer Award Recipient for Education. His paintings reflect issues dealing with human conditions and socio- political matters. They address the struggles, and oppression of humanity, especially the expressionistic dialogue on some of the paintings about the ten years of civil war in Sierra Leone. They are iconic, bold and expressive. These paintings were his reaction to his brother's brutal murder during the war.
"Happy Black History Month!" Tribute To Our Heroes! Drawings by Award-winning Sierra Leonean Artist, Dr. Richmond Stanley ...
Dr. Richmond Garrick: ABC Action News. Dr. Richmond Stanley Otolorin-Garrick. Award Winning Sierra Leonean Artist & NAACP ...
ABC NEWS ACTION NEWS: The artistic talents of Patrick Freeman, Dr. Richmond Garrick and Quinton Greene are being ...