From Sierra Leone
In Sydney, Australia
About Alpha Savage
Emerging from Inner Sydney comes the promising talent by the name of Alpha Savage. Classy, smooth, and sophisticated; Alpha is a stand out among the growing scene that is Australian Hip Hop. With a debut album released in July 2019, “So Wrong" is a 12 track LP that follows the journey of life; exploring emotional highs & lows, love, power, and hunger. At a time when the Australian music scene is evolving and expanding, Alpha brings his own flair; he is extremely versatile to say the least.

Alpha is not only a rapper but an artist aiming to establish his unique brand and identity to break through the tough music industry. Recorded in the heart of Sydney, Alpha has worked with the team at Signacion to record and produce a highly accessible album with the potential to appeal to anyone who loves music, regardless of the genre. Alpha Savage is a self-motivated entrepreneur, with unprecedented skills and confidence; the driving forces behind his talent and range.
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About Alpha Savage
Emerging from Inner Sydney comes the promising talent by the name of Alpha Savage. Classy, smooth, and sophisticated; Alpha is a stand out among the growing scene that is Australian Hip Hop. With a debut album released in July 2019, “So Wrong" is a 12 track LP that follows the journey of life; exploring emotional highs & lows, love, power, and hunger. At a time when the Australian music scene is evolving and expanding, Alpha brings his own flair; he is extremely versatile to say the least.

Alpha is not only a rapper but an artist aiming to establish his unique brand and identity to break through the tough music industry. Recorded in the heart of Sydney, Alpha has worked with the team at Signacion to record and produce a highly accessible album with the potential to appeal to anyone who loves music, regardless of the genre. Alpha Savage is a self-motivated entrepreneur, with unprecedented skills and confidence; the driving forces behind his talent and range.
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Alpha Savage's Posts Listen to Cut You Down (Demonic Version) by Alpha Savage Official on #SoundCloud ...